Update - Week 9

Update - Week 9

Published by Emily on 10th Jul 2019

Last week's strides on the pants-making front felt brilliant but did not lead to further strides or brilliance. I came to some conclusions about the next month's wardrobe shift, and stalled out on one piece of the puzzle. 

First, a brief recap of the week:

Last week I tried push past the voice in my head that says "too much" and just wore the outfits that I wanted to wear. I felt like myself, and no one taunted me to my face, so ignoring that phrase is my new policy. What can feel like "too much" in the bedroom mirror can look perfectly fine in the world.

I gave all of the garments on the chopping block a final test wear this week.

I decided to switch five garments out of the capsule:

  1. Blue linen stella cardigan
  2. Flared jeans
  3. Yellow close toed sandals
  4. Chambray shell top
  5. Navy girlfriend khaki pants

These garments still hold value for me, and aren't leaving my overall wardrobe. But in the case of this finite set of garments they pull too hard in their own style direction. 

The garments being tagged in:

  1. White daisy tee
  2. Floral print Murasaki jacket
  3. Paisley print pants
  4. Newly made jeans
  5. Yellow ballet flats

This really does feel like a side step, neither trending my wardrobe towards more dressy or more casual. Both pairs of pants are legitimately comfortable. The print ones have way too much personality.

Am I mature enough to wear a white tee shirt? I'm probably not, but I could make another one and you won't know. It's a good thing I'm too lazy for that sort of deception.

I wanted a print overlay option, and this one I had already made seemed to go best with all of my tops. I'm pretty excited to wear it, back to my old habit, pulling Ureshii samples off the rack.

The yellow ballet flats are what held me up. It occurred to me this week that I would love a pair of my favorite scrunch flats in yellow. After doing some online scrounging I gave up and attempted to paint a pair of brown flats yellow. This would have gone much more smoothly if one of us wasn't such a dedicated scotch guarder of shoes.

xoxo -E